There are too many excuses for why people “can’t” start their own online business. Tell me if any of these some familiar to you: “I don’t have enough time to do it” or “I don’t have the money to spend on starting a business” or “I don’t know where to start” and my personal favourite… “I barely know how to turn the computer on and off let alone start a business online.

I call bulls@#t on all of those. Henry Ford said:

Whether you think you can or can’t – you’re right

And it’s so true.

You can do it and I’m going to help you.

I’ve created a small 5 part series that’s going to show you how to start an online business with only $100 per month and one hour per day, 6 days per week. We’re going to go through how to carve that one hour per day if you’re struggling. I’ll show you how you can find the $100 every month because I’m sure there’s a few expenses you have that aren’t essential. Finally I’ll go through step by step what you’re going to spend each day doing.

By the end of this mini series you’ll have a website with consistent content coming out, traffic coming to your site, an email list that’s slowly growing, built relationships with other people in your niche and an idea of whether you’re going to build your own product or promote someone else’s as an affiliate.

A lot right!? Well don’t worry about it… We’re going to take baby steps.

To make life even easier for you, I’ve put together a cheatsheet that lays out everything you’re going to be doing over course of the next 3 months. You can print it off and cross things off as you do them. Download your copy down below:

* 50% Complete *

The 90-Day Calendar!

Download calendar that'll walk you through step-by-step with what you should be focusing on for your first 90 days online. It's like I'm there with you showing you what exactly to do!
First 3 months online cheatsheets


Like I’ve said there’s 5 different sections to this small blog series. They are:

  1. Finding At Least One Hour Per Day To Work On Your Online BusinessIn this section we’re going to explore where we can find one hour per day to work on your new business… Even if you’re super busy! No excuses here dudes and dudettes.
  2. Finding $100 Per Month To Invest In Your Dream BusinessCan you spare $100 per month for your business? Well guess what!? We’re going to lower our monthly expenses if we have to and I bet there’s several ways of doing you which you haven’t thought of yet. I’ll show you in this section.
  3. The First Month Online: What To Spend 1 Hour Per Day and $100 Per Month On For Maximum ResultsNow the fun begins! We’re going to go through what you’re going to be spending the first $100 on and what to spend each hour doing. If you haven’t grabbed your cheatsheet yet that lays everything out on a calendar then what are you waiting for!? You better grab your copy before you move on any further.
  4. The Second Month Online: Now We’re Making ProgressIn this section we’re going to be creating something insanely awesome to attract our target audience to join our email list. The old catch phrase “the money is in the list” is true so we’re going to make sure people want to be on ours!
  5. The Third Month Online: Setting Yourself Up for Success: We’re going to be covering reaching out to other bloggers within our niche and start building relationships with them. This can lead to brainstorming sessions, guest posts, podcast interviews, collaborations and hopefully long-term friendships! We’re also going to talk to our the audience we’ve attracted to find out what we can create and sell to them… This is where we become a fully blown business!

Are you excited?

Let’s not drag this out any further… It’s time to get to work!

Let’s get stuck in!

Step 1: Finding At Least One Hour Per Day To Work On Your Online Business


5 Steps To Defining
Your Perfect Avatar

This is a step most digital nomads skip which makes life difficult in their business
Defining Your Perfect Audience
* 50% Complete *

5 Steps To Defining
Your Perfect Avatar

This is a step most digital nomads skip which makes life difficult in their business. Download your copy now so you don't make the same mistakes!
Defining Your Perfect Audience
* 50% Complete *

The 90-Day Calendar!

Download calendar that'll walk you through step-by-step with what you should be focusing on for your first 90 days online. It's like I'm there with you showing you what exactly to do!
First 3 months online cheatsheets
* 50% Complete *

WordPress Complete Setup Guide

Make sure you have all the essential plugins on your WordPress website. Links to installation videos inside!
* 50% Complete *

What To Take With You To Be A Digital Nomad

Grab a checklist so you know the essential items needed for your next digital nomad adventure!

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